Happy February Everyone!

Exciting things are happening in preparation for Gala. Teachers will begin learning their Gala dances this weekend, which means the dancers will begin working on their dances in class very soon. Attendance becomes very important as each week they could potentially be learning new choreography or making changes to existing choreography.

We have a strict tardy policy at Civic Dance Center. If you are 10 or more minutes late, your dancer will not be allowed to participate in class that day. This time of year is one of the reasons why we put this policy into place. Tardiness is so distracting and frustrating to the teacher and the students that were prepared for class on time. Concepts have to be retaught or information has to be reexplained. Every minute we have in this second half of the year is so important in preparing the dancers for Gala.

In the second half of the year, many students begin to fall out of dress code. Remember, hair is part of the dress code. To train in proper ballet, jazz, and modern technique it is imperative the teacher be able to see the line of the movement(s) the dancer is creating. All students’ hair must be pulled up off the neck and pulled back off the face. A bun is required in ballet class for all female and male students with hair longer than their shoulders. Start practicing now for Gala. There will be no bangs or wispies allowed for Gala.

We will be closed Saturday, February 18th through Monday, February 20th in observance of President’s Day Weekend. Enjoy your time off.

Wishing everyone a little extra LOVE this month!